Tuesday, May 29, 2012

New Study re: Gut Bacteria

This is a new study out. We have never tried the antibiotic recommended here for our kids' IBS symptoms. In fact, anytime they have had to go on antibiotics, it has created more problems with the gut, not less. Saccharomyces Boulardii is our favorite probiotic in treating chronic diarrhea with IBS. But I thought I'd share in case. I did run across a forum reference asking if you could take rifaximin with VSL #3 (a very strong probiotic) and Sacc B. The answer was yes, you can take it with Sacc B, it will help with side effects from the antibiotic, but the antibiotic will kill the VSL #3. VSL #3 is a probiotic we have considered, but considering my kids react sometimes negatively to certain probiotics, we have waited to try it. I will also share studies & articles on Sacc B. Our new form of probiotic is kefir water (since we have milk allergies.) We take kefir grains and make kefir water. It has definitely worked well for our kids and their intestinal health. That is a whole other post. It is also mentioned in the Mercola article below. Here's to healthy guts! (And my apologies for having issues getting the links to post correctly.)






