Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Peppermint Oil & Artichoke Leaves

Sorry I have not posted in so long. I do tend to start off great, but have a hard time keeping it up. We did just recently celebrate our 10th anniversary, though, which created a lot of life chaos. And I took up my old part-time job. But I think things are settling back down now. So here we go...

Recently it was recommended to me to do peppermint oil capsules. I am leaning towards JD & EK having a leaky gut/IBS type gut. But too much peppermint oil can be toxic. Do any of you do peppermint oil capsules or enzymes? Someone also heard of Dr. Oz talking about artichoke leaves although I found it had more to do with nausea, which he links to indigestion. Anyone have experience with these, good or bad? Here are some links if you're interested.

We have recently switched from Culturelle to Therbiotic Complete. Culturelle has a minute amount of dairy in it and while I doubted my kids having a reaction to that little amount, it is so interesting to me how different their stool is. I had my first constipated kid (JD) when I switched to TC. Their stools are definitely more firm, both his and EK's. LJ I have a harder time knowing, since he is potty trained now. And he generally does not have the same reactions like JD & EK do. He has reactions to foods, they're just different reactions. But back to the constipation. JD was going 3 or 4 times in an hour to two hours little rocks. I had to call the G/I because I thought constipation was usually not going for 3 days or more, having never really seen it in my kids before. Of course, she recommended Miralax and juice. Ok, I can handle giving him a little juice, even though it's irritating to his gut and I'm just changing constipation for inflammation. But Miralax? For a kid that usually has diarrhea? Needless to say, I just fed him lots of juice & fruit & water. Of course, I just recently read how Aloe Vera juice can help. I think we're back on schedule. Thankfully. I was changing him before getting in the car, after getting in the car, and when we arrived at Target across the street! And it's not like it takes me a few seconds. I take at least 10 minutes for each transition, making sure we have enough food for our bottomless pit on our errand running, waters are full (especially for my camel JD), and we have all our other basic needs for being out of the house for awhile. And leave room for JD & EK's regular protests or last requests or last poops. :)

And just another couple of "Tips of the Day", here is a good synoposis of where to start in taking care of your gut by good ol' Dr. Oz.

Here is a link that talks about what causes IBS. I think it's interesting that the 2 highest triggers are dairy (casein) and wheat (gluten)....hmmmm...any wonder my kids are on elimination diets????